Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fletcher Allen Psychiatry

Well.... It has been a rough week!!!

I am with the psychiatric consult team. We respond to any psychiatric requestsin the entire hospital. The team consists of a psychiatrist, a psychiatry resident, (2) 3rd year medical students and myself.

On the first day, I looked at a white board of about 8 patients. I was then promply asked which patients I wanted. My jaw may have hit the table. I had my own patients that I round on by myself within two hours. I see these patients read through their medical charts, trying to figure out their history and why a psychiatry consult has been initiated. I may have to call their psyciatrist in the community, social worker, family members, ect to get background information. Once all the information is collected and I have interviewed the patient by myself (no help, no back-up) I present the case to my team. I then write up the case, have the resident sign my note. The note then goes in the chart. The disorders I have seen so far include anixety and depression, schizo-affective disorder with paranoia, paranoia with a TBI, acute dystonia, anorexia, hepatic encephlaopathy, and bi-polar disorder.

My psychiatrist did hypnosis on one of my patients today, that was pretty cool. The rotation is overall great...I am learning a ton, however I am totally out of my comfort zone. These patients are rather unpredictable and it is very intimidating to interview them by yourself. You are given a huge amount of responsibilty immediately, it is rather overwhelming. For those of you with this rotation be prepared to jump in right away. It is a must to know your mental status history and mini-mental exam. I do those everyday...again by myself.

Hope everyone else is doing well


  1. Sounds NUTS! (pun intended) I too had a person yesterday who had a Dx of schizoaffective disorder who dropped dead in the bathroom... Duvall said there is a phenomenon called sudden death related to schizophrenia that no one is sure of how it causes death. (it's not due to meds, that much I know) Only thing I can find is that they are at greater risk for atherosclerosis and heart disease. Oh well. Hopefully she wont PIMP me on it. At least you sound like you are busy!

  2. awww..crazy, but u'll learn alot!!!....besides, like anything else..i'm sure ur doing great jeannee!!

  3. From a former psych patient at Fletcher Allen...I don't really appreciate you posting such information. It's a small community, and not too difficult to identify people.
