Saturday, January 17, 2009

New London - Internal Medicine

I'm probably not doing as many exciting things as everyone else, but it's going well so far.

We see somewhere between 6 - 10 patients a day and the average patient age is around 65 years old. We've seen a lot of pneumonia, sinusitis, and influenza as well as lots of back pain! It's a very small town, so everyone knows everyone else...which makes their visits extra long because we have to talk about the neighbor's new cow or about their Aunt coming to visit. I absolutely love it though, it makes me feel at home :)

I did rounds at the SNF on Wednesday with our MD. I got to see my own patients and have a great chat about Bingo at the home. I love geriatrics...they're great. Then I came back to the office to watch someone get their ingrown toenail removed, good times. I think the best thing I've seen so far was a liver that you could see from the doorway! It was about 10" beyond the costal margin and as hard as a rock...yikes!

On Friday, I did rounds with the Hospitalist at New London Hospital. Again, the average age of the patients that he see is 75 years old. After seeing some great surgical sites, a DVT, and some possible lung CA, he took me out to lunch in the tiny hospital cafeteria.

So far, so good...I hope everyone else is having a good time, and hopefully you remember a lot more stuff from last year than I've been able to.

Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. ingrown toenail removals are gross. Lots of blood. Feet in general are gross. Yuck!!!

    I less than three you Bean.

    I <3 Bean
